Elementary School


Roots and Wings is a program designed to guide girls to embrace who they are and that they matter. The program strives to empower girls to understand that they can make a difference in the world around them and that they are unique and special. Through lessons and conversations built around games, projects, creative expression, and the arts, girls celebrate who they are, their unique gifts, and their contribution to others. This program explores how our thoughts and actions, no matter how small, can change the course of a day or a lifetime.

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Chapter Information

Roots and Wings meets primarily in schools but operates independently from the schools themselves. Each chapter of Roots and Wings operates under the care and supervision of a specially trained Site Leader. Site Leaders undergo background checks and volunteer their time because of their desire to help each girl understand her immeasurable value. While each chapter operates independently, they all follow the same curriculum and standards designed specifically for Roots and Wings. 
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Words of recommendation straight from our girls!
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The curriculum for Roots and Wings is designed for girls in grades 3-5. Each year, girls participate in four nine-week segments that contain research-based lessons designed to address social and emotional learning, as well as universal traits of leadership. Curriculum loops in such a way as to enable mastery for all girls whether they are new to the program or longtime participants.
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The cost of the Roots and Wings program is $35/month for the remainder of the school year. All payments are made securely through PayPal. Once your registration is submitted, you will be redirected to a payment page to complete the process. 
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