
Active participation in Roots and Wings empowers girls to clearly communicate their wants and needs, understand and manage their emotions, identify and work through obstacles, build healthy relationships, and connect to the impact of their decisions. Girls form a strong connection to themselves, to one another, and to the community. They gain a sense of importance, understanding that they matter! Girls gain the lifelong skills needed to succeed in their future.

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  • Higher levels of self-confidence
  • Increased ability to share thoughts and feelings, participate in social situations, and voice opinions
  • Improved mathlanguage arts, and social studies skills with achievement test scores increasing by 11 to 17 percentile points
  • Improved social-emotional skills, attitudes about self and others
  • Reduced absentee rates and more likely to complete high school
  • Lower rates of anxiety, social phobia, and depression
  • Overall greater sense of happiness and joy
  • More positive attitudes toward school and learning, highlighting better problem solving and planning
  • Greater sense of belonging and connection to others
  • Increased understanding of consequences of behavior
  • Higher involvement in positive activities (e.g., sports, music or dance)[/wpcol_2third]

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Sources: CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) and participants in Roots and Wings.

Positive results are achieved among all populations, not specific to demographics or those who demonstrate need. The greatest contributing factor to the growth of each individual girl is, in fact, the girl herself.


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